ACRC’s Jason Fellman assumes acting director role

UAS Research Associate Professor of Environmental Science Jason Fellman has stepped into the role of Acting ACRC Director, leveraging his coastal research expertise and history as a guiding force within the Center to drive ACRC’s mission and strategic activities going forward.
Former ACRC Director and Professor of Environment and Society Tom Thornton will continue his work with the ACRC part-time this fall as a Senior Research Fellow with his project on the cultural landscapes of Dry Bay, funded by the National Park Service, and the recently-awarded “Social, cultural and economic assessment of kelp mariculture opportunities for coastal villages within the EVOS spill zone,” funded by the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustees’ Council.
Fellman brings nearly a decade of experience as a vital component of ACRC. He joined the Center in 2013 as a Research Assistant Professor of Environmental Sciences, after serving as a postdoctoral fellow in Environmental Science at the University of Alaska Southeast and the University of Western Australia in Perth. Fellman’s background is in the biogeochemistry of land and sea environments, with a focus on understanding how carbon and nutrients link these distinct ecosystems. He has extensive experience exploring how wetlands and salmon influence stream biogeochemistry in the coastal temperate rainforest of Southeast Alaska.
In 2020, Fellman took on a leadership role within the Center while serving as Interim Co-Director alongside Thornton. Now returning as acting director, Fellman has a strong commitment to environmental stewardship and believes research can be used as a tool to balance human and ecological needs in a changing climate.
“I look forward to carrying on a legacy of strong leadership at ACRC, and to supporting excellent coastal research and partnerships across Southeast Alaska,” said Fellman.
As ACRC students, researchers, and staff prepare for a busy season of fieldwork, Fellman continues to support research collaborations across the North Pacific Coastal Temperate Rainforest and beyond.
"Jason has a long history of productive, interdisciplinary research in forest ecosystems in Southeast Alaska. He is well-positioned to grow the ACRC research portfolio and strengthen ties with collaborators and stakeholders across the region. Jason's position as a faculty member at UAS will help to bolster the educational mission of the ACRC through engagement with UAS students," said ACRC affiliate Eran Hood.