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ACRC studies the northern pacific coast temperate rainforests and the neighboring coastal ocean ecosystems. This narrow area is a dynamic zone for the flow of materials essential for life (water, carbon, and nutrients) between land and sea.

Through interdisciplinary research on ecosystem interactions and driving causes of change in this landscape, ACRC answers questions about the current and future state of these coastal rainforests.


Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecology

Our aquatic and terrestrial ecology research focuses on the vital connections between land and water environments. We investigate how changes in one ecosystem affect the other, studying everything from fish and invertebrate populations to forest health and wildlife movements. This integrative approach helps us develop strategies to protect and sustain the rich biodiversity of Southeast Alaska in the face of environmental change.

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Heen Latinee from Dean

Glaciology and Hydrology

Our glaciology and hydrology research explores the dynamic processes of glaciers, snowpack, and water flow in Southeast Alaska's unique landscape. We analyze glacial retreat, outburst floods, and watershed hydrology to understand their effects on regional ecosystems and water resources.

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Resource Management

Our resource management research focuses on sustainable practices for utilizing and conserving Southeast Alaska's natural resources. We study the impacts of human activities and climate change on ecosystems, assess the health of fish and wildlife populations, and develop strategies to ensure the long-term viability of these resources.

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Glacier Bay Ocean

Adaptive Governance

Our adaptive governance research provides a collaborative pathway that integrates science policy in decision-making focused on inclusiveness, innovation, and stewardship, as Alaskan rural and urban communities face new challenges.

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Downtown Juneau

Project Archive

Since 2009, ACRC researchers have made noteworthy contributions to ecological, economic, and social research in the north Pacific coastal temperate rainforest. Our completed research projects that are no longer active can be found here in the project archive.

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