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Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecology

The ACRC's aquatic and terrestrial ecology research focuses on the vital connections between land and water environments. We investigate how changes in one ecosystem affect the other, studying everything from fish and invertebrate populations to forest health and wildlife movements. This integrative approach helps us develop strategies to protect and sustain the rich biodiversity of Southeast Alaska in the face of environmental change.

Mountain Goats and Avalanches

ACRC researchers and collaborators are exploring the relationship between snow avalanches and mountain goat population ecology in coastal Alaska.

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Stream Habitats

ACRC scientists are exploring how the diversity of water sources in Southeast Alaska influences stream food webs that sustain salmon productivity. This research helps inform freshwater fisheries management in the face of climate change.

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Lindsey holding a juvenile salmon with mountain background

Héen Latinee

The Héen Latinee experimental forest is 12,000 hectares of land north of Juneau that serves as a natural laboratory, encompassing two watersheds from their glaciated headwaters to a tidal estuary.

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