Climate Change Impacts and Solutions in Southern Alaska

Join us to discuss key climate change issues affecting communities in our region of Alaska and explore specific mitigation and adaptation strategies being pursued in our coastal forest and ocean environments as climate change policy takes center stage at this year’s UNFCCC 26th COP (Conference of Parties) gathering in Glasgow, UK in November.
This virtual event is hosted by the University of Alaska Southeast’s Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center (ACRC) and the British Consulate General in San Francisco.
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1:30 - Introductions: Tom Thornton, Director of the Alaska Coastal Rainforest Center and UAS Professor, and Joe White MBE, HM Tech Envoy to the US and British Consul General San Francisco
1:40 - Climate Change and Southern Alaska Forests: Dave D’Amore, USDA Pacific NW Research Station, Juneau Forestry Sciences Lab
1:50 - Climate Change and Salmon Forest Food Webs: Ryan Bellmore USDA Pacific NW Research Station, Juneau Forestry Sciences Lab
2:00 - Carbon Forestry Development in Southern Alaska and Beyond: Caitlin Guthrie, Director of Forest Carbon Origination, FiniteCarbon
2:10 - Discussion
2:20 - Overview of Climate Change and the Gulf of Alaska: Schery Umanzor, Assistant Professor, UAF College of Fisheries and Oceans
2:30 - Adapting to Increased Marine Food Security Threats in Southeast Alaska: John Harley, Research Assistant Professor, UAS-ACRC
2:40 - Mariculture, Low Carbon Development and Ocean Restoration in the Gulf of Alaska: Dune, Lankard, President and Founder, The Native Conservancy, Cordova, AK
2:50 - Closing remarks